We are focused on qualitative and quantitative methods that track the evolution of innovation and explore its impact on society, the environment and the economy.
Since 2008, we have empowered research teams and individuals to innovate. As innovation has increasingly become a social and complex process, we have included a diverse range of expertise in our team, from science communication to sustainability assessment.
In 2022 we completed our transition to a not for profit company, focusing on the impact of innovation with societally relevant results.
In almost 15 years of experience we have built a strong portfolio partners throughout Europe, including research centers, universities, small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies.
Discover our ecosystem— Robert Noyce
We facilitate the deployment of innovation with relevant societal impact by bridging the R&D sector with societal, environmental and economical needs.
We empower innovators through impact & sustainability assessments, including support to proposal writing.
Expertise overviewWe focus on long-term vision & planning, adjusting the strategy to the project needs and taking into account feedback from the technology-related innovation ecosystem.
We apply quantitative and scientific methods as well as innovative best practices to reach an systemic/holistic view vision of the problem/solution relationship.
To do so, we study the innovation ecosystem and help build strong networks to engage all stakeholders in current and future value chains.
Our multidisciplinary team brings the expertise necessary to study innovation from different points of view.
Learn more about usBuilding a strong culture is what makes a strong organisation.