A sustainable future is linked to new conceptual frameworks of collaboration.
A rethinking of the public-private threshold and efforts beyond the scientific community are needed today to turn science into innovation.
As a complex societal process, innovation emerges from the interactions of a variety of stakeholders, whose contributions are often under-estimated, or unrecognised. Nowadays, citizens, associations, and other non-traditional stakeholders are involved early in the innovation process (e.g. living labs), to identify society’s needs, and society’s readiness to accept innovation.
The constantly evolving set of individuals, entities, resources and structures whose production of value enables the innovation process.
They offer a unique insight into the priorities of their communities and can help ensure that new technologies are developed accordingly.
They are the innovation-enablers, delivering societal and environmental impact via the commercialization of products and services.
They embrace innovation to seize new opportunities and build the industry of tomorrow.
Education and research are the seeds of the innovation process and enable its growth.
They help create the conditions that enable innovation to thrive.
As a group of people with a clear goal - professional or in support of a specific cause - they are the ideal partner in a dialogue.
— Andrew Grove
We favour a multi-actor and cross-sectorial approach to innovation by building relationships with all players who are part of the technology ecosystem.