Horizon EuropeTRL 3Biomed


Bacteria Biofilm as bio-factory for tissue regeneration

Project details




EIC - Pathfinder Open


€3.4 m


1 April 2023


4 years

Programming bacteria for infection treatment

BIOACTION aims at developing a new methodology in implant technology based on bio-hydrogels that will convert biofilm-associated infections, the primary cause of implant failure, into a positive resource. The project is programming implant-associated bacteria to produce specific proteins for in vivo cell recruitment and tissue regeneration, exploiting gene sequences loaded on engineered liposomes and phages bound to hydrogel scaffolds. BIOACTION is also developing new biomimetic substrates that can transform biofilm into extracellular matrixes to regenerate target tissues. The project uses adaptable technology as injectable materials and implant coatings for periodontal and peri-implant infection treatments. The approach will be validated in two clinically relevant animal models: dental implant and permanent transcutaneous bone. It could impact the future of infection treatment by revolutionizing classical methods to improve care and health outcomes, achieving substantial socio-economic benefits. The project involves expertise in biomaterials, synthetic biology, phage and liposome technology, and medicine. BIOACTION's innovative approach will push research and knowledge beyond state-of-the-art. It could also have a broader application in regenerative medicine.


Consiglio Nazionale delle RicercheUniversità degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro"Université de LiègeFundació Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya FerentisINsocietyAO Forschungsinstitut Davos

Our role

Work package leaders for Innovation Management

  • Participative communication and stakeholder engagement.


  • Exploitation and TRL Progression.


  • Open science, dissemination of results and data management

Milestones step by step

A quick overview of the goals achieved by working on this project.


The aim of Bioaction is to improve the quality of life for patients by promoting the remodelling of local physiological processes triggered by the contact with smart, soft nanomaterials.