Enhancing crop productivity is a vital goal to meet the food and fuel needs of a growing global population facing climate uncertainty. Photosynthesis is a primary determinant of crop yield. During this process, plants incorporate (fix) atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) to produce organic compounds and grow. In higher plants, photorespiration fixes oxygen (O2) instead of CO2 when CO2 is low. They consume O2 and release CO2 without producing ATP or sugar, reducing CO2 fixation and biomass production. The EU-funded GAIN4CROPS project aims to boost crop productivity by minimizing the effects of photorespiration; engineering highly efficient synthetic metabolic pathways to increase carbon fixation significantly.
A quick overview of the goals achieved by working on this project.
Partners and collaborators met and discussed the future of the project
A site to share news, publication and general information about the GAIN4CROPS project
A joint, multilingual press release describing the project and the role of each partner
The history of the sunflower
The role of new genomic techniques in sustainable agriculture
A Bio-Nano Synergy Powering the Future with Solar Fuels
Resilient and environmentally sustainable engineered crops to address climate change
Bacteria Biofilm as bio-factory for tissue regeneration
3D printing of ultra-fidelity tissues using space for anti-ageing solutions on earth