Standard time domain experiments measure the time evolution of the reflected/transmitted mean number of photons in the probe pulses. The evolution of the response of a material is typically averaged over the illuminated area, and many pump and probe measurements are repeated stroboscopically. INCEPT is extending time-domain optical spectroscopy beyond mean photon number measurements by performing a full Time Resolved Quantum State Reconstruction (TRQSR) of the probe pulses as a function of the pump and probe delay. The nature of the light-matter interaction and the transient light-induced states of matter will be imprinted into the probe quantum state after the interaction with the material; these two properties can be uncovered with unprecedented detail with this new approach to time domain studies.
We develop a project communication strategy that could also highlight the work done within the group. The strategy included project identity, logo, video interviews, press releases and social media management. We also trained the team members on open science and best communication strategies for scientists.
A quick overview of the goals achieved by working on this project.
A Bio-Nano Synergy Powering the Future with Solar Fuels
Resilient and environmentally sustainable engineered crops to address climate change
Bacteria Biofilm as bio-factory for tissue regeneration
3D printing of ultra-fidelity tissues using space for anti-ageing solutions on earth