Metastases develop from clusters of circulating tumour cells (CTCs) that detach from the primary tumour and travel through the bloodstream to new tissues. Once a tumour has metastasised, the chances of cure are significantly reduced. While the clinical and biological properties of CTCs are well understood, how they arise from a solid tumour mass is still unknown. Dr Nicola Aceto and his group have found that specific signals trigger the formation of CTCs, rather than being random. Their project aims to identify the cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous mechanisms behind these signals in order to develop new therapies that block the tumour cells in situ and prevent them from spreading.
Development of a pitch deck for investors, including custom images and brand identity for the new company.
A quick overview of the goals achieved by working on this project.
Develop a brand identity for the project start-up
Create an asset of slides to pitch the new company onjectives
A Bio-Nano Synergy Powering the Future with Solar Fuels
Resilient and environmentally sustainable engineered crops to address climate change
Bacteria Biofilm as bio-factory for tissue regeneration
3D printing of ultra-fidelity tissues using space for anti-ageing solutions on earth